Next festival November 18-th 2026.

The festival has started.

1984. National jamboree of amateur circus collectives „Cirko Ziburiai – 84“ (Lights of circus – 84)


1. Folk circus collective of regional centre of culture of Sakiai „Sypsena“ (director – man of fame of amateur art of LTSR J. Endriukaitis)
2. Folk circus collective of regional centre of culture of Radviliskis „Svajone“ (director – man of fame of amateur art of LTSR A. Dabulskis)
3. Folk circus collective of centre of culture of railwaymen of Vilnius „Jaunyste“ (director J. Jarmolajevas)
4. Folk circus collective of association on footwear manufacturers of Siauliai „Elnias“ (director – man of fame of amateur art of LTSR V. Nemandriukiene)
5. Folk circus collective of factory of cars of Alytus „Alytus“ (director – man of fame of amateur art of LTSR L. Bakanas)
6. Folk circus collective of regional centre of culture of Siauliai (director I.Vingriene)
7. Folk circus collective of children club of manufactory of oil processing of Mazeikiai „Zaibas“ (director S.Cistiakovas)
8. Amateur circus collective of cultural centre of district Kiduliai (director G.Pupkyte)
9. Folk circus collective of factory of celluloid and carton „Pamarys“ (director V. Dirzininkas)
10. Folk circus collective of regional centre of culture of Ignalina (director M.Vosciula)
11. Amateur folk circus collective of regional centre of culture of Kelme (director G. Vingras)

Absolute winners:
Folk circus collective of centre of culture of railwaymen of Vilnius „Jaunyste“
Folk circus collective of factory of cars of Alytus „Alytus“


The circus is designed to give you wonderful moments


Mob. +370 625 10516
P. Vaicaicio st. 14, Sakiai 71113, Lithuania